Sunday, August 20, 2006


There is a saying "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY" Well we decided to play this weekend. Some good friends, Don and Vera, purchased a beautiful boat about a year ago, and we have not had the time to go for a visit until this weekend. It is a 35 foot sport fisherman boat. They have it docked in Ft. Pierce, Florida. We left home on Friday afternoon and made it there for dinner Friday evening.

Saturday morning we got up, had breakfast, and hit the water. The weather was overcast, but the seas were nice. We didn't go far, but attempted to do a little fishing. After deciding Publix (grocery store) was the best value, we headed back. We made a quick stop at a cove for Andrew to stop and swim. He found a new pet, a hermit crab, he named Crusty.

Pete, the owners brother-in-law, had just purchased a brand new Corvette convertible. We decided that we needed to go for a ride. When he tossed me the keys I said "no way" but got in the drivers seat before he could change his mind. Let me just tell you I now have "VETTE FEVER" so bad I can taste it. I made every excuse to do errands and take the car.

Andrew is now a great fisherman. He caught 6 catfish, and a head of another fish. It was a great weekend of fun and relaxing. Too bad on the way home there was a exotic car dealer that just happened to have a couple of corvettes for sale. BAD NEWS!!! Now I just have to talk Chris into this....any ideas?????

We will be testing the new Embry-Riddle car this coming weekend August 25&26, so it is back to work. I will post et's and speeds and tell you how the car ran. Have a great week


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