Monday, May 10, 2010


So much has been happening these past few weeks I don't even know where to begin. Lets start with my new car. Larsen Motorsports is proud to announce partnering with Miller Electric. This has been a long time in coming and we are very excited. The dragsters have all been welded with Miller equipment so we will definitely have the Power of Blue behind us. The Miller Jet Dragster will travel around the country not only racing, but going to many different shows. You will have to check the Miller schedule to see where the dragster will be. Now lets talk about how the dragster is getting from race to race. She is riding in comfort in the Miller Road Show 1. They have totally refitted their rig for my new baby. New graphics inside and state of the art equipment. My new Miller Jet Dragster will live the life of luxury. I just want to know if there will be room for me????? You can find more about the new Miller race team on our website and choosing the Miller team.

So where does that leave me with the Embry-Riddle team? We are also racing her across the country adding some Western dates to our schedule. This is the brand new Embry-Riddle Jet Dragster, the sister car to the Miller Jet Dragster. We have all new uniforms, graphics on the trailer and are working with Embry-Riddle with new projects. So if you want to see the where the Embry-Riddle team will be, you can go to the site and choose ERAU team.

Now of you thought that running two race cars was going to keep us busy, come on. We are working with McCabe Productions and they are producing a Reality Show about what goes on behind the scenes at Larsen Motorsports. The show is schedule to air in 2011 and we will be filming at several of the race tracks across the country. Nitro better be ready all of the girl pugs will be after him!!! I think he wants a dog house with a star on it and chicken 3 times a day!!

I know that this is a lot in just a short time. We have been working on everything for several years and it has finally all just come together. This is just the tip of the iceburg. Keep checking back because things are moving faster than my jet car at this point. Look for a lot more photos, a lot more up dates and a lot more fun!!!

We are heading out to Norwalk, OH this weekend where we will debut our brand new Miller Jet Dragster, so if you are in the area, make sure you come out and say HI.

luv ya,

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