So back to the TV commercial, HOLY COW this was off the chain. I have done some really cool things in my life, but this is a lot of fun!! The entire team was top notch and we made some lifelong friends. So after the filming was done, now we wait to see what the final project looks like. We felt like it was gong be good, but good doesn't even touch the final product. So we knew the commercial was going to air and I was thinking maybe someone would see it, never did I imagine that it was going to be EVERYWHERE!!! NFL, Food Network, HGTV, all major stations, there we were!! If you haven't seen it yet, here is a link to the YouTube channel.
We are super proud of the final project. But now it's time to get back to the business of racing, but what does that look like? Well for those of you that don't know, Chris and I purchased a sanctioning body called the National Jet Racing Association. What is the NJRA? Well it is all about fire, jets and having fun celebrating fire. So what is the future for the Larsen Motor sports teams......the NJRA baby. I am excited to announce that we are holding the first of many Festival's of Fire January 25-26th at Palm Beach International Raceway. What does that mean.......Fire Fire Fire and oh yeah more Fire!!!
So it's time to hang on cuz we only have one speed and that is full throttle. Go to for more information and to purchase your tickets today!!!
love ya,